“For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.” Ephesians 5:23
Wives, let’s share ways the Lord has put on our hearts to honor our husbands as the head of our home. Pop on over to Titus 2 In Action. Let’s spur one another on!
Runner Mom says
Oh, Sharon! I just read your Monday post. How beautiful! What a beautiful way to teach the cherubs how to be the hands of Christ. Love you!!
On my way to Titus!!
Mich says
Have a great weekend!
Wendy Blight says
Just read your Titus 2 post. As I read it, it made me sad that I really had to think hard of ways I consistently and purposely honor Monty. The way I work hardest to do this, but am not always faithful, is to stop what I am doing when he gets homes from work and greet him. It is most hard when I am in the midst of a project upstairs…I still say hello, but I don't coming running down with a hug and kiss.
Your post Friday has really made me ponder and pray about how I can do more to "spur" him on.
So thankful for your wisdom in this area of my life!!
Love you,
Heather says
Oh what a reminder!! I am so in need of grace in this area, but the good news is that God is doing a work in my heart and helping to guide my steps that I might honor my husband ALL the time, not just when I feel like it!
Thank you for sharing your heart…