“For surely, O Lord, You bless the righteous;
You surround them with Your favor
as with a shield.” Psalm 5:12
Happy Treasure Verse Tuesday! Today’s verse is one that I wrote in my Family Prayer Journal as a prayer for our little family. For months, I had prayed for God’s favor on my family, together and individually. His favor to build and guard our character in such a way that honors Him. His favor to bring forth fruit for His Name as we abide in Him. His favor to be vessels for His glory wherein He shines His goodness, life and truth. His favor to protect us from the intents and words of naysayers. His favor so we are transparent and He is evident. His favor so He is made manifest.
When I read this verse, it expressed my heart’s cry exactly. Dear Lord, please surround us with Your favor as with a shield. His favor as with a shield. Peace and assurance fill my heart and mind as I soak in this scripture.
He surrounds us with His favor. His favor shields us. We are completely surrounded by His love, favor and protection.
Surely, He blesses the righteous. Amazingly, HE has made us righteous. “…through the obedience of the One man the many will be made righteous.” Romans 5:12
“God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Cor. 5:21
How awesome that He makes us His righteousness, and then He blesses us for being righteous. I pray you soak in that truth and His goodness today!
Thank you for visiting on Treasure Verse Tuesday. Did this verse minister to you personally? Share another verse that has popped off the pages of your Bible and into your heart recently. I can’t wait to hear about your treasures!
To read today’s treasure verse in context and to do some more digging for God’s treasures of Truth, click here: Blue Letter Bible.
Unknown says
Good Morning Precious Friend!
Amen! beautiful post!
I am going back to my first love and teaching Andrew Murrays The Holiest of All again!
Oh how I missed the depth and love of this book – the wisdom is so rich and freeing!
I want to be taken into the holiest of holies and be cleansed daily by the blood of the lamb!
Miss you and can't wait to hug you once again in person!
Runner Mom says
This is a beautiful scripture full of Truth! It speaks so deeply to the heart.
Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." I read this yesterday, and it spoke volumes to me! I need His ways and His path…not Susan's!
Hope you have a beautiful day!!
Danielle says
Thank you for scripture today. I needed to hear it!
Edie says
I loved this Sharon! Yes it blessed me.
My little ones are learning Isaiah 45:3 right now.
"I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness – secret riches. I will do this so that you will know that I am the Lord, the one who calls you by name."
Mich says
Oh friend! Your blog was playing my daughter's favorite song right now!
Love Treasure Verse Tuesday…you should write a devotional book!
Where am I at today? James 1:19 is the verse for me to keep close on days like today…
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak,and slow to become angry."
I am thankful God meets us at our needs and has a verse for all of life's "adventures."
christy rose says
Love this post Sharon.
He is our righteousness! What He required of us was impossible for us to attain and led us to the One who attained it for us. He became sin so that we could be made the righteousness of God! Not just get to it or attain it but be made It, by being made One with Righteousness Himself. Wow, what a salvation we have been given! Eternal life that begins the moment that we have faith in Jesus. And all the promises that are given to the righteous are the blessings that follow. What a life God has created for us to have by our faith in Jesus.
Loved this post!
Pinkshoelady says
Oh Sharon,
How I needed those words today. We are going through a steep and slippery, boulder covered path right now.
The enemy keeps heaping boulder after boulder at us.
I so needed to be reminded that Jesus is my shield.
Thank you dear lady!
Love your heart!