the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.”
John 17:3 (NIV)
I’ve chosen John 17:3 for my first official “Treasure Verse Tuesday” verse because it is the verse in the Bible that defines eternal life, the greatest treasure offered to us ever in our lives. To KNOW GOD. In this passage of scripture, Jesus is praying to God. These are His Words. Jesus defined eternal life for us.
A few years ago, I studied the Gospel of John with my Precepts Ministries Bible Study class. (This inductive study of John took us two AMAZING years!) As I was reading Jesus’ prayers in John 17 for Himself, His disciples and for all Christians (just before His arrest and crucifixion), these words of Jesus in verse 3 clarified the meaning of “Eternal Life” to me and became a renewed treasure in my heart. I had read that passage many times over the years of my Christian walk, but that time a few years ago it really popped off the page and into my heart.
It seems we often think of “Eternity” and “Eternal Life” as the same thing in our Christian inheritance. But ETERNAL LIFE is also for NOW, not only for eternity. To KNOW GOD, the only true God and Jesus Christ. Blue Letter Bible (click here) says the Greek word for know here is: ginōskō. This means “to learn to know, to come to know, to become known, to know, to understand, to have knowledge of”. This is the depth of relationship God wants with us through Jesus. Amazing. (Ginōskō) occurs 246 times in 208 verses in the Greek concordance of the KJV (click here for more information from Blue Letter Bible.)
A treasure of a verse for our hearts from His Word. Truly, no words are adequate to describe most precious treasure from God. Eternal life now and through eternity…TO KNOW GOD…such a gift is indescribable.
To know Him by reading His Word, listening to Him, praying to Him, worshipping Him, obeying Him and trusting Him. If you have happened upon this blog and would like to KNOW GOD, click here: It is the greatest treasure ever given.
Soak in this treasure verse, and please share a verse you treasure!
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”
2 Corinthians 9:15
“After Jesus said this, He looked toward heaven and prayed: “Father, the time has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son may glorify You. For You granted him authority over all people that He might give eternal life to all those You have given Him. Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent. I have brought You glory on earth by completing the work You gave Me to do.”
John 17:1-4
Unknown says
A favorite song of mine is "I want to know you" by Sonicflood.
This post & that song are very similar.
I want to know You
I want to hear Your voice
I want to know You more
I want to touch You
I want to see Your face
I want to know You more
Sharon Sloan says
Thanks Kelly! I love that song, too! I just added it to the top of my PlayList for this post! 🙂
Mich says
Great verse!
I can't imagine life without "knowing Him."
Edie says
Oh this is so good Sharon. We need to know Him so well that we are transformed into His likeness.
Edie says
Oh, and thanks for the Blue Letter Bible resource!
christy rose says
This is a wonderful verse Sharon!
I feel as if God has shown me that my very purpose in life is to be loved by God and let Him reveal Himself to me so that I can truly KNOW Him! I think that is everyone's purpose, TO KNOW GOD!
Nicole says
I am always refreshed when I come to your site. I know that your heart is so towards God and wanting to be real and honest before him and others. So refreshing. I pray you are blessed today as you have been a blessing in my life and I know many others. Keep seeking Him. It is so beautiful! Thanks for your honesty and humble heart.
Not John Chow says
Hello, Nice to meet you. I am Not John Chow. I live in Michigan otherwise known as the land of unemployment! Stop by my blog and say Hi!