“See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands…”
Isaiah 49:16
Last month, I wrote a post titled “Lavish Love” (click here to read)” about a surprise party I hosted for my hubby. I shared about many wonderful and unexpected blessings on that occasion, including some precious hearts that were touched by God’s lavish love through His people. These hearts were those belonging to some of the restaurant staff. ” A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
It was on my heart after the surprise party to send Bibles and devotionals to four of those new friends on the restaurant staff as a “thank you” for their excellent service. While I was not as efficient as I would have liked to have been in sending them out, I prayed for God’s perfect timing and orchestration. I prayed their hearts would be fertile and hungry for Him. I prayed over each Bible and devotional as I wrapped them up. I prayed for the recipients, that God would pursue them and that they would pursue Him, that they would KNOW GOD. “Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” John 17:3
After writing personal notes to each of the four recipients, I headed out to the shipping store. I had e-mailed the one gal on the banquet staff at the restaurant to let her know a package was coming to her attention. She seemed surprised, excited and thankful.
Now, I am quite sure they were not expecting to receive Bibles and devotionals when we told them we were sending them some “thank you gifts”. I am not really sure what they expected, but something tells me Bibles would not be on their top ten list of guesses. And that’s OK. I sent them off trusting Him.
Every day after sending the package off, I would pray for God’s covering and His work. Many days went by and I didn’t hear anything from the recipients, which was perfectly fine. However, making sure the package arrived safely was on my mind. So, several days after I sent the package, I got on the www.ups.com website and put in the package’s tracking number. I prayed: Lord, can you please just let me know that You are using these Bibles and devotional for Your purposes? Would you please just show me that you have this all covered and that you are “on it” with these precious new friends? My desire is for God’s legacy and glory to be lifted up, for the sake of His great name, and for the sake of these precious souls. “Since You are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of Your name lead and guide me.” Psalm 31:3
When I entered the package’s UPS tracking number in the on-line tracking sytem and the results came up on my computer screen, my jaw dropped and I lost my breath. Here is what is said (I cut and pasted this from the UPS site):
Delivered UPS has delivered the shipment.
Delivered UPS has delivered the shipment.
Delivered To:
Signed By:
Do you see that? “Signed By: JESUS”. Jesus!
Now, I know that the fellow who signed for this package may have no idea that the Lord used Him to show me His faithfulness (or maybe he was an angel and is well aware!), but oh how I was doing the happy dance! I think I may have even tinkled in my pants!
Signed By: Jesus. He’s on it. He’s got it covered. He loves our new friends at the restaurant with an everlasting, pure and perfect love. Let the pursuing begin!
Whoooeeee….He’s on it indeed!
Signed, sealed and delivered!
“One will say, ‘I belong to the LORD ‘; another will call himself by the name of Jacob; still another will write on his hand, ‘The LORD’s,’ and will take the name Israel. “This is what the LORD says—Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.” Isaiah 44:5-6
“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”
2 Corinthians 3:2
Unknown says
I just giggled with you!
You are too precious and I love that JESUS signed for His package to arrive safely! No need to ever doubt the MIGHTY HAND of the LORD who wants to SAVE!
AMEN to every verse you shared today!
Too cute – thanks for putting a big smile on my face 🙂
Love and hugs,
Stephanie says
What a wonderful story to read this morning! You know I was feeling a little down this morning. But boy does that lift my heart! How HE works is just amazing. It always amazes me.
Have a great day!
Unknown says
I love this blantant answer to prayer. Amen!
On a side note, a few years ago I sponsored a foster girl for her birthday through our county’s social services. I bought her the gifts she had asked for on her list (cd, ear-rings), then I found a book at the Christian book store. I hesitated. I didn’t know her, yet, God pushed me to buy it. I sent it to her. I prayed for her. Time passed. And honestly, I forgot about her.
Six months later I received a thank you note: “Thank you for the cd, ear-rings, and the book. I loved that book. It was the best book I ever read. It was a great book. Love, ….”
THE BOOK is what she loved, not the ear-rings and CD she asked for. God is so good. I cried when I received that note, and my eyes are tearing now. God is faithful, he will see the plans carried through…even if you don’t hear about it.
Judah says
that is so AWESOME!! wow!! awesome, sorry at a loss for words, God does that to me alot
Runner Mom says
I love this! Our God is so awesome and faithful with His timing!!
Joyful says
What an incredible story! WOW!!!
A parcel I sent in the mail recently did not reach it’s designed destination, but maybe it reached it’s divine destination. Praying it was a blessing to the recipent.
Have a great day,
Melanie says
I laughed out loud when I got to the “punch line”.
What a great story! What a great God!
Heather says
Oh in writing, it was waaayyy funnier than the phone conversation!!
Sharon, though HE has confirmed to me so many times the ways HE is in the details, I just love when others share the glory of His majesty, no matter how it appears.
Just a sign of your obedience and His committment to bless those who seek Him and even those who don’t even know yet that they are seeking Him;)
This, I think is one of my favorite of your posts ever. Haven’t I said that many, many times???
Love you, friend
KelliGirl says
What a great story. Isn’t it amazing how God works these kinds of things to His glory. You are such a great example to send the Bibles as a thank you. Your heart and faithfulness inspire me.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. It’s great to hear from you. You are so sweet and such an encourager!
Keep shining Jesus for all to see.
Love and blessings,
Laurie says
I am new to your blog and wanted to comment and let you know how much I am enjoying it. This post was just the best.
I wanted to also let you know that the way you prayed “that God would pursue them and that they would pursue Him, that they would Know God” has totally changed the way I pray for people. Thank You!
My Journey to Hope says
I just received my package you sent! The tasty cakes are great & I can't wait to read the book. Thanks again for your generosity!
Wendy Blight says
I came to your blog today to receive words of encouragement, and I found them…as always. You have such a gift!!! I needed this precious reminder that God answers prayer,that my name…my daughter’s name…are engraved in the palm of His Hand. He never forgets what we entrust to Him.
Thank you!! I treasure your bloggy friendship.
Always a Southern Girl says
Amen! I love your blog.