“Then He went down to Nazareth with them [his parents] and was obedient to them. But His mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Luke 2:51-52
Today, I am tearfully storing away the little step stools we bought for Joshua and Gabrielle to use in the bathrooms when they were just toddlers. I probably should have done this months and months ago, but I didn’t. Instead, I tripped over the kids’ little step stools time and time again. The little ache in my heart said “I am not ready yet”. Not ready to be done that phase and needing step stools to reach the sink for a Dixie cup of water or to wash their hands. Not ready for them to be big enough to brush their pearly whites without the aide of the step stool to reach the sink drain target. The step stools represent a precious season of young childhood.
But I am storing them away today with thankfulness in my heart. So thankful I am their mommy. So thankful Jim and I are the ones privileged and responsible to train them up in the ways of the Lord. Every day I tell them I love being their mommy. I love being the one to sing them awake on school mornings. I love being the one to deposit them at school and having them hear me say, “I love you. Honor the Lord.” I love the sacred moments of bedtime.
Equipping them to grow in the Lord and preparing them for eventual adulthood while cherishing every moment of being a child is a delicate balance. Giving them the proper tools…a heritage of a relationship with the Lord, the sword of His Word, demonstrating a healthy prayer life. These eternal tools are essential, necessary and ageless.
Today, I am putting away tools they no longer need. The step stools in the bathrooms. It’s a little bittersweet reminder to equip them properly, enjoy the privilege of helping them grow and mature, and not leaning on tools that we no longer need. They have and need other tools now. Tools that represent and promote growth.
I am treasuring all of these things in my heart.
Our prayer is that, as Joshua and Gabrielle grow in stature and obey their parents, just as Jesus did, that they will grow in God’s wisdom. That they will grow in favor with God and men, and in that order.
Stepping onward while holding our Heavenly Daddy’s hand.
Unknown says
I remember packing up my daughter’s baby clothes, and crying later when I was giving them away. I’m so happy she’s growing up…but my baby!
I can so relate to your blog today. Great job.
Runner Mom says
How sweet! I kept out the step stools that my boys used. I still use them for myself!! Yep, a little on the short side when it comes to reaching things on high closet shelves :).But I can so relate! It is very difficult to let them grow up! We can continue to bless them and share with them words of wisdom as they grow.(Even though my 15 yr old thinks he knows more than hubby and me!!)
If you think the stools are hard, girlfriend, you just wait until yours start driving! Now, that’s a different story!!
Love ya,
Unknown says
(off your topic, on mine). Thanks for recommending the book…we have it! I love it. (Princess & the Kiss). There are so many ways to discuss purity with our kids – we just need to keep doing it!
On Purpose says
“I love you. Honor the Lord.”
I am So in love with this idea above…how awesome are these words! Thank you for sharing them with us today. I can see times where I might need to be saying this to myself.
Lois Christensen says
I remember putting my son’s blanket away…well, he finally brought it to me and told me to throw it out. I, of course, couldn’t bear the thought of throwing out his comfort that he used for so many years. I have it in a drawer in my closet and will keep it for awhile longer. It’s sad to see them grow up but now our jobs become even harder as we covet them in prayer! Enjoy your blog!
Heather says
No place better to be stepping:) I hear you say just those words to your precious Gabrielle this morning and though I still ned the stools around, this week was a moving onward week for us, as well. At least we do it knowing we are holding the hand of our Heavenly Daddy, what a comfort.
You certainly are raising up lovely children, thank you for being my friend while we do this ever-important job together – just think He trusted us with His finest, knowing we’d love them as He intended and teach them up in His love.
Great, great post – your gift is so evident – so where is your book?
Love you!
Skoots1moM says
Every time I pack away something or send it off to Good Will, I think of the younger days. Mine just recently started driving, so it’s been a while since I put away any baby things.
Unknown says
Beautiful post Sharon!
What an awesome responsibility (blessing) God has entrusted us with – to allow Him to work through us to raise them up in the way they should go.
Love you – Honor God! Says it all!
Miss you – big hugs!